The Vacpack is the tool that Beatrix LeBeau utilizes throughout the game and is the primary method of interaction with the world. It is used to suck up and shoot out items, which consist of Food, Slimes, Plorts or Slime Science Resources.
The Vacpack can hold up to four types of items that stack up to 20 units each at the beginning of the game. Initially, it provides the player with 100 Health, and 100 Energy. As the player progresses through the game, upgrades for the vacpack can be crafted using the Fabricator underneath The Conservatory; such as the Jetpack or the Golden Sureshot. So far, these upgrades can only be obtained through Treasure Pods, with the exception of the Drone Archive Key, which is received late game by Mochi Miles.
Resource Harvester[]
Heart Module[]
Heart Module | Heart Module Syncs with your body's own vital processes to enhance life systems, boosting health to 150. Plus, it's sparkly. Price: 450
Heart Module II | Heart Module II A more advanced and even sparklier heart module that boosts health to 200. Price: 900
Heart Module III | Heart Module III The latest in life system amplification and sparkliness technology boosts health to 250. Price: 3,000
Heart Module IV | Heart Module IV An experimental life system amplification device that boosts health to 300. Price: 10,000
Power Core[]
Power Core | Power Core Augments your vackpack with an almost-certainly-safe micro fusion generator that boosts energy to 150. Price: 450
Power Core II | Power Core II This enhanced micro generator boosts energy to 200; but more importantly, is even smaller. Price: 900
Power Core III | Power Core III The latest micro generator boosts energy to 250; but not high enough to give up coffee entirely. Price: 3,000
Power Core IV | Power Core IV An impossibly advanced micro generator boosts personal energy to 275. There's no way this is still legal. Price: 10,000
Power Core V | Power Core V An advanced micro generator that blows past all previously known limits of personal energy, pushing it to 300. Price: 15,000
Dash Boots[]
Dash Boots | Dash Boots These highly advanced and, frankly, fashion-forward boots reduce the energy consumption of sprinting. Price: 450
Dash Boots II | Dash Boots II Experimental footwear capable of reducing the cost of sprinting even further. It makes you think walking is for suckers. Price: 1,500
Jetpack | Jetpack Keep your head in the clouds with this amazing, personal jetpack! Price: 450
Jetpack II | Jetpack II Enhanced jetpack thrusters that consume 20% less energy but produce double the fun. Price: 1,500
Tank Booster[]
Tank Booster | Tank Booster Improved nano-storage cell technology allows your vac tanks to hold 30 units of whatever you can vac up. Price: 450
Tank Booster II | Tank Booster II These enhanced nano-storage cells throw caution to the wind and allow you to cram 40 units into each vac tank. Price: 900
Tank Booster III | Tank Booster III More is better, but in this case, it's best. These premium nano-storage cells can hold 50 units in each vac tank. Price: 3,000
Tank Booster IV | Tank Booster IV The secret best vac tank available using experimental nano-storage technology that's absolutely probably maybe legal. Price: 10,000
Tank Booster V | Tank Booster V Pushing the limits of slime science, the nano-storage technology increases vac tank capacity to 70. Price: 15,000
Tank Booster VI | Tank Booster VI Thanks to the latest scientific breakthroughs, the nano-storage technology of this booster allows you to hold 80 units per vac tank. Price: 20,000
Extra Tank[]
Extra Tank | Extra Tank Adds an extra general-purpose vac tank. Price: 1,500
Extra Tank II | Extra Tank II Adds yet another extra general-purpose vac tank. Price: 3,000
Water Tank[]
Water Tank | Water Tank Adds a specialized vac tank that allows you to store fresh water. Price: 450
Pulse Wave[]
Tank Guard[]
Tank Guard | Tank Guard Salvages 20% of your vac tank's contents upon accidental encounters with the slime sea or following other forms of health loss. Price: 3,000
Tank Guard II | Tank Guard II Salvages 40% of your vac tank's contents upon accidental encounters with the slime sea or following other forms of health loss. Price: 6,000
Tank Guard III | Tank Guard III Salvages 60% of your vac's tank's contents upon accidental encounters with the slime sea or following other forms of health loss. Price: 12,000
Drone Archive Key[]
Drone Archive Key | Drone Archive Key Utilizes Miles tech decryption algorithms to unlock access to archived logs on Research Drones. Price: 1,500
Golden Sureshot[]
Golden Sureshot | Golden Sureshot A special vacpack upgrade that hones in on gold slime weakpoints (their secret bellybutton?) and doubles the amount of gold plorts they produce when hit. Price: 1,500
Golden Sureshot II | Golden Sureshot II Upgrades the Sureshot's focusing lens, reducing the glare from those shiny, bright gold slimes. This triples the amount of plorts they produce when hit. Price: 3,000
Golden Sureshot III | Golden Sureshot III Installs a new targeting sensor to drastically increase the Sureshot's accuracy, quadrupling the number of plorts produced by gold slimes when they are hit. Price: 6,000
Regenerator | Regenerator A small software update that improves energy routing through the vac's conduits, increasing the rate of energy regeneration by 15%. Price: 5,000
Power Injector[]
Power Injector | Power Injector Streamlines the vac's power transfer, reducing the delay before energy regenerates by 25%. Price: 5,000