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An imposing layer cake whose depths hide ancient, prismatic secrets.
— the Slimepedia

The Grey Labyrinth is an area in Slime Rancher 2 to the southwest of Ember Valley and Starlight Strand.


Requires Radiant Projector (obtained from Viktor). There are two known doors leading to the Grey labyrinth, one lies behind the Boom Gordo at the end of the Ember Valley and the other in a hidden cave in the Starlight Strand below the Flutter Gordo and the glowing crack in the wall. Both doors require solving a simple puzzle before they will open.

Slimepedia Entry[]

Towering over the horizon, the Grey Labyrinth stretches across the skyline of Rainbow Island like an imposing jigsaw puzzle missing a piece. On its surface, it appears to be keeping the curious out, yet the further in one ventures, the more one suspects the Grey Labyrinth is holding something in.

Amid twisting corridors of carved stone and unnatural metals, and echoing from pipes channeling water and magma, an erratic pulse of power beats from somewhere deeper within the ancient structure. Strange phenomena mar otherwise ethereal, manicured gardens, and prismatic light washes over the landscape, bathing it in unpredictable, transformative energies.

Countless ages of exposure to these energies seems to have impacted both slimes and inanimate objects alike, giving them odd properties that sometimes defy logic or natural forces entirely. Even shadows seem to cluster and capriciously bound through the ancient megastructure.

Within its deepest chambers, the Grey Labyrinth holds a secret that perhaps one can only answer with some unexpected guidance from beyond.


A list of known Slimes and Resources that are available in the Grey Labyrinth.

Type Resources
Slimes Pink SlimeSlimeCottonSR2Rock SlimePhosphor Slime (Night)Tabby SlimeSlimeAnglerSR2Crystal SlimeBoom SlimeFire SlimePuddle SlimeSlimeRingtailSR2SlimeHunterSR2SlimeBattySR2SlimeTwinSR2SlimeSloomberSR2
Special Slimes SlimeShadowSR2Tangle SlimeDervish SlimeSlimeYolkySR2Gold SlimeLucky Slime
Fruits PogofruitCuberryMint Mango SR2 SPPomegranite SPPrickle Pear SR2Polaricherry SP
Veggies CarrotOdd OnionHeart BeetWater Lettuce SP
Meat Hen HenRoostroChickadooStony HenStony ChickadooSea Hen SPSea Chickadoo SR2 SPBriar HenBriar ChickadooCandied HenCandied Chickadoo
Slime Science Resources IconCraftTinPetalIconCraftBlackIndigoniumStrangeDiamondSR2IconCraftAquaGlassIconCraftDreamBubbleIconCraftMagmaCombRoyalJellySR2
Gordos TwinGordoSPSloomberGordoSP



  • The Grey Labyrinth is bigger on the inside than on the outside.
  • Yolky Slimes may be more common in The Grey Labyrinth.
  • Tarr are also very common due to the amount of different slimes and the amount of food available.
  • The Grey Labyrinth does not have The Slime Sea but instead has an ocean of clouds. (Unless you count the water in the Waterworks).
  • The Grey labyrinth is the only area to not be located in the overworld

Interactive Map[]
