Slime Rancher Wiki
Slime Rancher Wiki

A coral-crusted ocean floor that now basks under a golden sun.
— the Slimepedia

The Dry Reef is the first zone introduced in Slime Rancher. It can be accessed directly from The Ranch.

Slimepedia Entry[]

The environment surrounding the ranch is known as the Dry Reef and is an arid, wind-swept land covered in dusty crags and rocky cliffs shaped by the wind over the millennia.

The Dry Reef is primarily home to pink, tabby, and rock slimes though phosphor slimes will also come out from hiding when the sun sets. The Dry Reef's climate doesn't make for abundant of any particular resource, but there are plenty of carrots, pogofruit and hen hens, as well as some less common resources if you know where to look.


The Dry Reef is a desert-themed area entirely made of rock plateaus, rock cliffs, and large rocks coming up from the ground or The Slime Sea. The entire area is beige- and/or coral-colored. There are many smaller cliffs and platforms that form part of the landscape as well. To date, five of the sixteen Gordo Slimes in the game can be found here (Dry Reef Pink Gordo, Ring Island Pink Gordo, Dry Reef Tabby Gordo, The Beach Tabby Gordo, and the Phosphor Gordo). The Dry Reef has many different parts, all of which have distinct features. Towards the end of The Dry Reef, there is a Static Teleporter underneath the Dry Reef Tabby Gordo which leads to The Overgrowth.

Natural Resources[]

Here is a a list of Slimes and resources available in The Dry Reef.

Type Resources
Slimes Pink Slime SPTabby Slime SPRock Slime SPPhosphor Slime SP (Night)
Puddle Slime SP (Ring Island only)The Tarr SPGold Slime SPLucky Slime SP
Food CarrotPogo fruitCuberryHeart BeetChickadooHen henStony ChickadooStony henRoostro
Exclusive Slime Science Resources DeepBrine SP
Gordo Slimes PinkGordoSP(Two) • PhosphorGordoSPTabbyGordoSP(Two)

Points of Interest[]


This is the first area of The Dry Reef you encounter outside of The Ranch and is immediately accessed coming out of The Ranch entrance.

In this area, there are two Carrot patches, and two Pogofruit trees; one hanging, and one free-standing. There is a ledge by the free-standing Pogofruit tree leading to a rocky platform with a Heart Beet patch in the middle which requires the Jetpack to reach, and a Green Treasure Pod.

Pink Slimes spawn abundantly here during the day, while Phosphor Slimes spawn instead at night. Rarely, Tabby Slimes may also spawn at night.


This area is found immediately after the intro. It contains a carrot patch, a boulder in the very middle with a pogofruit tree standing by it, and a Hen Hen nest on the other side. Straight ahead leads to The Hub, and taking the path on the right leads to Hidden Valley.

Pinks, Rocks, and Phosphor Slimes can spawn in this area. Tabby Slimes may also spawn rarely, along with other slimes and in specific spots as part of a slime stack.

Hidden Valley[]

This is a small extension to the right of Roundabout, which can house Tabby, Pink, Rock and Phosphor Slimes. Due to this, it is one of the earliest zones The Tarr can spawn, although only at night.

The Hub[]

Right after the Roundabout is The Hub. It contains various small plateaus and a big arch overseeing the area in the middle. Pink, Phosphor, Tabby and Rock Slimes spawn in this area.  

This area contains several Hen Hen nests and a large Pogofruit tree in the center. It also includes many Carrot patches. The Pink Phosphor Feral Cave is also located here, one of the ways to get to The Indigo Quarry.

Pink Gordo Island[]

Right in the middle of the Dry Reef rests this small island with the first Gordo you see in the game, the Pink Gordo. Other than that, no actual slimes spawn in this area.

There is also a Pogofruit tree in this island, and two Cuberry trees, and The Pink Slime's Secret Style Treasure Pod once the DLC has been bought.

This is also referred to as Exile Island, a term first coined by the YouTuber paulsoaresjr, who is likely one of the first YouTubers to ever do a series on Slime Rancher.


A zone right at the end of The Dry Reef, and the first location Stony Hens can be found. It is a small zone filled with lots of trees, Pink Slimes, Tabby Slimes, and the occasional Rock Slime. The first Tabby Gordo can be found nearby.

Due to the variety of the slimes and the abundance of food that can be found here, The Tarr frequently spawn here.

Feral Canyon[]

This is a valley directly next to the Phosphor Gordo, and is filled with Pink Rock Feral Largos.

It has a bridge above it linking the Slime Gate blocking access to The Beach to the Hidden Valley.

Feral Sink[]

This is a mountain-valley-like area with a drop to feral largos, a water source, and two of each Treasure Pod (Blue, Green and Purple). The path is treacherous and you may get stuck on the way out if you don't stay high in the valley. The most notable feature here is the Spring Pad you get from a Treasure Pod. This is why some people nicknamed it Spring Pad Tech Valley.

The Beach[]

The Beach is the home of the second Tabby Gordo, and the relaxing place of various other slimes. The Tabby Gordo sits on an island which is part of a small island chain next to it.

On the beach, there is a giant fossil rib-cage like object. It is made up of gray rings and is very worn down. Some believe that the object is actually a fossil of some sort. The creature whom this rib-cage could have belonged to remains unknown.

Another theory suggests that this structure is made by something. It could be an ancient crashed spaceship or a tunnel made to make traveling easier. These rings also are in aligned with the two giant rings on the Ring Island. After all, these may have a deeper meaning.

Treasure Pods[]

Main article: Treasure Pods/The Dry Reef


The Dry Reef has Treasure Pods which contains gadgets, Slime Science Resources, and Decorations.



  • In the Slimepedia Entry, it states that the Dry Reef was originally a huge coral reef. This is supported by the amount of coral seen throughout the area.