Slime Rancher Wiki
Slime Rancher Wiki

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Slime Rancher 2 Logo Art

Slime Rancher 2 is an indie open-world first-person life simulation video game developed and published by Monomi Park. The game is a direct sequel to Slime Rancher and features Beatrix LeBeau exploring the new Rainbow Island after a mysterious boat brought the protagonist over the slime sea. The game was released for early access on September 22nd, 2022 on Steam, and Epic Game Store while Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 were given In-Game Previews. Slime Rancher 2 was released into early access for PlayStation 5 on June 11th, 2024.


Continue the adventures of Beatrix LeBeau as she journeys to Rainbow Island, a mysterious land brimming with ancient technology, unknown natural resources, and an avalanche of wiggling, jiggling, new slimes to discover, like the bouncy Cotton Slime or the aquatic Angler Slime. As Beatrix attempts to unravel the island’s secrets and uncover its true purpose, she’ll build, ranch, and farm within a beautiful conservatory, whose sparkling glass walls give her full view of the prismatic paradise she now calls home.

New Features[]


ResearchDrone icon
Research Drones


SlimeAnglerSR2 SlimeBattySR2 SlimeCottonSR2 SlimeFlutterSR2 SlimeRingtailSR2 SlimeYolkySR2 SlimeShadowSR2 SlimeTwinSR2 SlimeSloomberSR2
Angler Slime Batty Slime Cotton Slime Flutter Slime Ringtail Slime Yolky Slime Shadow Slime Twin Slime Sloomber Slime


Moondew Nectar SP Pomegranite SP Water Lettuce SP Sea Hen SP Sea Chickadoo SR2 SP Thundercluck Hen IconBirdChickThunder Polaricherry SP Candied Hen SP Candied Chickadoo SP
Moondew Nectar Pomegranite Water Lettuce Sea Hen Sea Chickadoo Thundercluck Hen Thunder Chickadoo Polaricherry Candied Hen Candied Chickadoo

Parts of the Ranch[]

IconZoneConservatory IconExpansionArchway IconExpansionDen DigsiteExpansionIcon IconExpansionGully IconExpansionTidepools
The Conservatory The Archway The Den The Digsite The Gully The Tidepools


Rain Snow Thunderstorm Lightning Wind Cyclone Pollen Vine Tangle Slimefall
Rain Snow Thunderstorm Lightning Wind Cyclone Pollen Vine Tangle Slimefall

Slime Science[]

RadiantOreSR2 IconSnowball IconCraftPerfectSnowflake IconCraftSunSapSR2 IconCraftLightingMote IconCraftStormGlass IconDraftDriftCrystal IconCraftAquaGlass IconCraftMagmaComb IconCraftDreamBubble IconCraftBlackIndigonium IconCraftTinPetal
Radiant Ore Snowball Perfect Snowflake Sun Sap Lightning Mote Storm Glass Drift Crystal Aqua Glass Magma Comb Dream Bubble Black Indigonium Tin Petal
IconGadgetHydroShower IconGadgetSnowball IconGadgetMarkerExclamation IconGadgetMarkerNo IconGadgetMarkerQuestion IconGadgetMarkerFruit IconGadgetMarkerHenhen IconGadgetMarkerVeggies
Hydro Shower Snowball Machine Attention Flag Cautious Flag Curious Flag Fruit Flag Meat Flag Veggie Flag
IconSpoutResourceFlag IconMineralResourceFlag IconHiveResourceFlag IconGadgetMarkerStabilizingGate IconGadgetEasyBreezeFan IconDecorRoundBumper IconDecorStuntCannon IconGadgetAccelerator
Spout Resource Flag Mineral Resource Flag Hive Resource Flag Stabilizer Flag Easy Breezy Fan Round Bumper Stunt Cannon Accelerator
IconSlimeballGoal DreamLantern IconGadgetRadiantProjector DisruptionDetector
Slimeball Goal Dream Lantern Radiant Projector Disruption Detector
Vacpack Upgrades[]

Upgrades are now crafted in the fabricator underneath The Conservatory. For recipes and prices, please see Vacpack.

Resource Harvester Extra Tank IconShopTankGuard IconArchiveKey Golden Sureshot
Resource Harvester Extra Tank Tank Guard Drone Archive Key Golden Sureshot
Warp Tech[]
Green Home Portal IconGadgetTeleportHomeBlue IconGadgetTeleportHomeRed IconGadgetTeleportHomeYellow IconGadgetTeleportEmberValley IconGadgetTeleportStarlightStrand IconGadgetTeleportPowderfallBluffs IconGadgetTeleportGreyLabyrinth
Green Home Portal Blue Home Portal Red Home Portal Yellow Home Portal Ember Valley Portal Starlight Strand Portal Powderfall Bluffs Portal Grey Labyrinth Portal
SnowyTeleporter SnowyWarpDepot IconGadgetBlueLinkedCannon IconGadgetGreyLinkedCannon IconGadgetPinkLinkedCannon
Snowy Teleporter Snowy Warp Depot Blue Linked Cannon Grey Linked Cannon Pink Linked Cannon
IconDecorEmeraldGrass IconDecorEmeraldShrubs IconDecorEmeraldCypress IconDecorTallEmeraldCypress IconDecorEmeraldCypressCluster IconDecorAmberGrass IconDecorAmberShrubs IconDecorAmberCypress IconDecorTallAmberCypress IconDecorAmberCypressCluster IconDecorGoldpetalFlowers IconDecorOchrePoppies
Emerald Grass Emerald Shrubs Emerald Cypress Tall Emerald Cypress Emerald Cypress Cluster Amber Grass Amber Shrubs Amber Cypress Tall Amber Cypress Amber Cypress Cluster Goldpetal Flowers Ochre Poppies
IconDecorCinderSpikeBlossoms IconDecorStarbloomFlowers IconDecorAshBlooms IconDecorSunfireDaisies IconDecorRainbowGrass IconDecorAzureGrass IconDecorAzureShrubs IconDecorAzureMangrove IconDecorPinkGrass IconDecorPinkMangrove IconDecorPinkBonsai IconDecorLargePinkBonsai
Cinder Spike Blossoms Starbloom Flowers Ash Blooms Sunfire Daisies Rainbow Grass Azure Grass Azure Shrubs Azure Mangrove Pink Grass Pink Mangrove Pink Bonsai Large Pink Bonsai
IconDecorSeashells IconDecorSeashellCollection IconDecorSeaGrass IconDecorSeaweed IconDecorCurlySeaweed IconDecorBlueReefBush IconDecorYellowReefBush IconDecorPinkReefBush IconDecorBlueSwirlTree IconDecorPinkReefTree IconDecorPinkReefTreeCluster IconDecorTallPinkReefTree
Seashells Seashell Collection Sea Grass Seaweed Curly Seaweed Blue Reef Bush Yellow Reef Bush Pink Reef Bush Blue Swirl Tree Pink Reef Tree Pink Reef Tree Cluster Tall Pink Reef Tree
IconDecorShortPinkFlowerReef IconDecorPinkFlowerReef IconDecorTallPinkFlowerReef IconDecorBlueAnemone IconDecorPinkAnemone IconDecorPinkAnemoneCluster IconDecorSandyYellowCoral IconDecorShortPalm IconDecorMediumPalm IconDecorRootTangle IconDecorRootArches IconDecorRockFragments
Short Pink Flower Reef Pink Flower Reef Tall Pink Flower Reef Blue Anemone Pink Anemone Pink Anemone Cluster Sandy Yellow Coral Short Palm Medium Palm Root Tangle Root Arches Rock Fragments
IconDecorRockCluster IconDecorRockClump IconDecorSmallBoulder IconDecorSharpBoulder IconDecorCoastalRock IconDecorCoastalRockPillar IconDecorRainbowMound IconDecorRainbowLumps IconDecorShortPinkCoralColumns IconDecorMediumPinkCoralColumns IconDecorTallPinkCoralColumns IconDecorTallVioletSwirlShroom
Rock Cluster Rock Clump Small Boulder Sharp Boulder Coastal Rock Coastal Rock Pillar Rainbow Mound Rainbow Lumps Short Pink Coral Columns Medium Pink Coral Columns Tall Pink Coral Columns Tall Violet Swirl Shroom
IconDecorVioletSwirlShroom IconDecorAzureGlowShrooms IconDecorPinkGlowShrooms IconDecorCavePillar IconDecorThinCavePillar IconDecorStalagmite IconDecorStalagmiteCluster IconDecorShortMagmaClump IconDecorTallMagmaClump IconDecorMagmaPool IconDecorRoundedMagmaPool IconDecorRubyGrass
Violet Swirl Shroom Azure Glow Shrooms Pink Glow Shrooms Cave Pillar Thin Cave Pillar Stalagmite Stalagmite Cluster Short Magma Clump Tall Magma Clump Magma Pool Rounded Magma Pool Ruby Grass
IconDecorGnarledAshwood IconDecorShortRedAshwood IconDecorMediumRedAshwood IconDecorTallAshwood IconDecorSnowyBush IconDecorIceTree IconDecorFrostedShell IconDecorGlacialCrystal IconDecorSnowZbench IconDecorCrystalSpires IconDecorIceCubed IconDecorIceLamp
Gnarled Ashwood Short Red Ashwood Medium Red Ashwood Tall Ashwood Snowy Bush Ice Treeo Frosted Shell Glacial Crystal Snowz Bench Crystal Spires Ice Cubed Ice Lamp
IconDecorChillySlimeStackSR2 IconDecorFireFlower IconDecorAuroraFlowers IconDecorAuroraPineSR2 IconDecorFrozenFlame IconDecorMajesticSnowflake IconDecorSnowglobe IconDecorEggLamp IconDecorMossyHenStatue BeachUmbrella IconDecorSunflowerUmbrella IconDecorSakuraUmbrella
Chilly Slime Stack Fire Flower Aurora Flowers Aurora Pine Frozen Flame Majestic Snowflake Snowglobe Stony Egg Lamp Mossy Hen Statue Beach Umbrella Sunflower Umbrella Sakura Umbrella
IconDecorStripedBeachBlanket IconDecorPrideFlag IconDecorPennant IconDecorRibbonStreamers IconDecorScarfStreamers IconDecorWindSocks IconDecorSmallPinwheel LargePinwheel WideTrellis IconDecorSmallTrellis TrellisArch IconDecorWideEmeraldTrellis
Striped Beach Blanket Pride Flag Pennant Ribbon Streamers Scarf Streamers Windsocks Small Pinwheel Large Pinwheel Wide Trellis Small Trellis Trellis Arch Wide Emerald Trellis
IconDecorEmeraldVineTrellis IconDecorWheelbarrow IconDecorWindChimes ConservatoryBench IconDecorLargeSimpleBench ConservatoryChair ConservatoryTable MushroomPlanter PottedPlants ConservatoryLamp IconDecorCheerfulStatue IconDecorOverjoyedStatue
Small Emerald Trellis Wheelbarrow Wind Chimes Conservatory Bench Large Simple Bench Conservatory Chair Conservatory Table Mushroom Planter Potted Plants Conservatory Lamp Cheerful Statue Overjoyed Statue
IconDecorHappyStatue IconDecorBoombox DaintyTeacup BountifulTeacup IconDecorStripedLamp IconDecorBeachLantern IconDecorSwing IconDecorSeesaw IconDecorDisplayCase IconDecorSmallSandcastle IconDecorLargeSandcastle IconDecorReefChair
Happy Statue Boombox Dainty Teacup Bountiful Teacup Pink Striped Lamp Beach Lantern Swing Seesaw Display Case Small Sandcastle Large Sandcastle Reef Chair
IconDecorReefTable IconDecorClamThrone IconDecorSlimeJailStandee IconDecorSunflowerStandee IconDecorSnowmanStandee IconDecorTarrStandee MusicTileLowQuality IconDecorMusicPillar IconDecorSmallNet IconDecorMediumNet IconDecorLargeNet IconDecorAncientArchedWall
Reef Table Clam Throne Slime Jail Standee Sunflower Standee Snowman Standee Tarr Standee Music Tile Music Pillar Small Net Medium Net Large Net Ancient Arched Wall
IconDecorPottedLavaPlants IconDecorExcavationLights IconDecorWallLighting IconDecorYoungCedaroak IconDecorAncientPurpleOak IconDecorAncientRoundPillar IconDecorGoldSlimeFloorPanel IconDecorAquarium IconDecorMagmaFountain IconDecorAnglerFountain IconDecorGoldTwistedTree IconDecorShipInABottle
Potted Lava Plants Excavation Lights Wall Lighting Young Cedaroak Ancient Purple Oak Ancient Round Pillar Gold Slime Floor Panel Aquarium Magma Fountain Angler Fountain Gold Twisted Tree Ship in a Bottle
IconDecorCarousel IconDecorFerrisWheel IconDecorGoldenHenhenStatue IconDecorGoldAnglerStatue GoldenBattyStatue IconDecorGoldenCottonStatue GoldenDervishStatue IconDecorGoldenFlutterStatue GoldenTabbyStatue GoldenTangleStatue
Carousel Ferris Wheel Golden Chicken Statue Golden Angler Statue Golden Batty Statue Golden Cotton Statue Golden Dervish Statue Golden Flutter Statue Golden Tabby Statue Golden Tangle Statue

Returning Features[]


Pink Slime Tabby Slime Phosphor Slime Rock Slime Boom Slime Honey Slime Puddle Slime Crystal Slime Hunter Slime Fire Slime
Pink Slime Tabby Slime Phosphor Slime Rock Slime Boom Slime Honey Slime Puddle Slime Crystal Slime Hunter Slime Fire Slime
Lucky Slime Gold Slime Saber Slime Tangle Slime Dervish Slime SlimeTarrSR2 IconLargoPedia SR2 Feral Slimes IconGordoPedia SR2
Lucky Slime Gold Slime Saber Slime Tangle Slime Dervish Slime The Tarr Largo Slimes Feral Slimes Gordo Slimes


Pogofruit Cuberry Mint Mango Prickle Pear Hen Hen Stony Hen Briar Hen Painted Hen Elder Hen
Pogofruit Cuberry Mint Mango Prickle Pear Hen Hen Stony Hen Briar Hen Painted Hen Elder Hen
Chickadoo Stony Chickadoo Briar Chickadoo Painted Chickadoo Roostro Elder Roostro Carrot Heart Beet Odd Onion
Chickadoo Stony Chickadoo Briar Chickadoo Painted Chickadoo Roostro Elder Roostro Carrot Heart Beet Odd Onion

Slime Science[]


Deep Brine Silky Sand Primordy Oil Lava Dust Buzz Wax Wild Honey Jellystone Slime Fossil Strange Diamond Royal Jelly
Deep Brine Silky Sand Primordy Oil Lava Dust Buzz Wax Wild Honey Jellystone Slime Fossil Strange Diamond Royal Jelly
Dash Pad Novice Gordo Snare Advanced Gordo Snare Hydro Turret Med Station Portable Scareslime Fruit Slime Bait Meat Slime Bait Veggie Slime Bait
Dash Pad Novice Gordo Snare Advanced Gordo Snare Hydro Turret Med Station Portable Scareslime Fruit Slime Bait Meat Slime Bait Veggie Slime Bait
#1 Slime Stage Spring Pad Taming Bell Super Hydro Turret Portable Water Tap
#1 Slime Stage Spring Pad Taming Bell Super Hydro Turret Portable Water Tap

Warp Tech[]

Market Link Refinery Link Blue Teleporter Grey Teleporter Pink Teleporter Violet Teleporter Blue Warp Depot Grey Warp Depot Pink Warp Depot Violet Warp Depot
Market Link Refinery Link Blue Teleporter Grey Teleporter Pink Teleporter Violet Teleporter Blue Warp Depot Grey Warp Depot Pink Warp Depot Violet Warp Depot


All of the new locations on Rainbow Island so far.

IconZoneConservatory IconZoneFields IconZoneGorge IconZoneStrand Icon Zone Powderbluff Falls Grey Labyrinth The Slime Sea
The Conservatory The Rainbow Fields Ember Valley Starlight Strand Powderfall Bluffs Grey Labyrinth The Slime Sea

Game Versions[]

For more detailed information, see Game Versions.

Missing Features[]


Rad Slime SP Quantum Slime SP Mosaic Slime SP Quicksilver Slime SP Glitch Slime SP Twinkle Slime SP
Rad Slime Quantum Slime Mosaic Slime Quicksilver Slime Glitch Slime Twinkle Slime


Oca Oca PhaseLemon SP Silver Parsnip GildedGinger SP
Oca Oca Phase Lemon Silver Parsnip Gilded Ginger


Drone SP MasterGordoSnare
Drone Master Gordo Snare


Indigonium SP Glass Shard Hexacomb SP Pepper Jam SpiralSteam SP ManifoldCube SP
Indigonium Glass Shard Hexacomb Pepper Jam Spiral Steam Manifold Cube