This article is about this Slimes appearance in Slime Rancher. For the Slime Rancher 2 article regarding this Slime, see Pink Slime (Slime Rancher 2).
“ | Their coral hue is scientifically proven to be the color of cheer. | ” |
— the Slimepedia
Pink Slimes are the most common slimes found in Slime Rancher and are among the first Beatrix will encounter. They are easily identified by their pink coloration and can spawn in practically any location outside of The Ranch at any time of day, with the exception of The Wilds, where they are only found as feral Pink Saber Largos, and Nimble Valley.
Pink Slime are omnivorous; they can eat all foods from the three main food types (Fruit, Meat, and Veggies). This makes them the easiest Slime to ranch. As a tradeoff, they do not have a favorite food unless converted to a Largo Slime (with the exception of the Pink Saber Largo) and their plorts have the lowest monetary value.
They have no negative behaviors when agitated.
Slimepedia Entry[]
Slime Rancher[]
Pink Slimes are the most common slime found on the Far, Far Range. They're cheerful, docile, and the easiest of all slimes to ranch. A pink slime will eat anything you put in front of it, though they have no favorite food, and their plorts are the least valuable of all slimes.
Rancher Risks:
Not much to worry about with a pink slime. They're soft, squishy, very happy to be around a rancher, and found all over the Range. But because of this, a rancher won't go far without finding a few pink plorts, which can lead to largos, and then...
Pink Plorts are an excellent "multipurpose generic substance" used to manufacture everything from food products to household cleaners. All over earth, people are eating burgers, sweetening their coffees or scrubbing their floors with pink plort products. That's some serious versatility!
- If a large number of regular Pink Slimes are kept in a Corral they will naturally form a stack (a stack being the slimes gluing themselves to each other and not just sitting on top of each other due to overcrowding. Having the High Walls, Air Net corral and the Music Box upgrades will help counter this to some extent, but it's recommended not to keep too many and to turn them into Largos instead for Plort variety, especially early in the game.
- Because Pink Slimes can eat all foods, any difficult-to-feed Slimes such as Tabby Slimes can be converted to Pink Largos to compensate.
- However, unless feeding Pink Largos favorite foods for Slime Science it may be more financially viable to convert them to Largos with a higher value Plort and a favorite food instead, such as a Phosphor Largo.
- Despite being abundant and being of low monetary value, Pink Plorts are used in almost all Slime Science gadgets, making them a valuable resource once The Lab is unlocked.
- Feeding them with 10 different types of food unlocks the Omnivorous achievement.
- Before 0.2.0 - Added.
The Pink Slime's coloration being described as a "coral hue", and spawning from corals in The Dry Reef indicates that pink slimes may be a reference to precious coral, an endangered species of coral that comes in red or pink hues which historically has been used for jewelry. However, since they spawn independently of the coral object, they may even be based on the Polyps that construct corals. The overall concept for the Pink Slime could also come from the Jelly Cubes from Nick's previous game Spiral Knights, especially since they share a very similar color. The Pink Slime's unique omnivorous diet and its simplistic pink design may be a reference to Nintendo's Kirby. The Pink Slime's name may also be reference to the real-world meat by-product lean finely textured beef, also known as pink slime.
The Pink Slime's Secret Style - Sparkly - is based on glitter. Due to it being a slime, it may also reference DIY glitter slime.
- The Pink Slime's plortonomics description may be a reference to Spore's Pink Spice, as both Slime Rancher's pink plorts and Spore's pink spice are described to be used as sweeteners and floor cleaning products.
- Pink Gordos will always appear on Master Gordo Snares baited with food that is not favored by other slimes.
- The diversity of uses for Pink Plorts in the Slimepedia is probably a reference to the fact they eat Meat, Fruit, and Veggies. The usage of the Plorts in The Lab is also backing up this theory.
- The only place where Pink Slimes DON'T spawn (Besides Ranch areas) is Nimble Valley, as the only Slimes that spawn there are Quicksilver Slimes. VacPack slots are also swapped, so you can't bring them there, either.