Slime Rancher Wiki
Slime Rancher Wiki

But the desert's barren, unforgiving, sometimes violent environment, hides a secret: somewhere deep within it lies a memory of what once was, and a means of restoring parts of that memory.

An Oasis (plural Oases) is a structure found exclusively in The Glass Desert. They are initially found in bud form, and can be rejuvenated with Ancient Water once the area's nearby fountain has been activated.


Once an Oasis has been restored it will trigger its spawn nodes for Slimes, fruit, and veggies, which is especially helpful for tracking down Glass Desert exclusive slimes and food. Most oases will come with a Water Spring to quickly top up water reserves.

A restored oasis is covered by a visible barrier of moisture, which harms Tarr within range and nullifies Solar Anomaly hazards, making them much safer.

Restoring an oasis is a requirement for the Renewal Achievement.



  • 1.2.0 - Fixed bug where oasis music was sometimes not playing properly on game load.
  • 1.0.1b - Fixed a bug that reset all Oases in a save, requiring players affected to re-water them.
  • 0.6.0 - Added with The Glass Desert update.