Slime Rancher Wiki

The Hydro Turret is a player-created Utility gadget crafted at the fabricator at The Lab. Like most utilities, placing it down requires a two in-game hour installation cooldown before it can be used.



The blueprint for the Hydro Turret is purchaseable from The Lab for 650Newbucks as soon as The Lab is unlocked.


The Hydro Turret is capable of targeting and shooting any and all Tarr that come into range. It will shoot one blob of water at a time.

The Hydro Turret is ideal for automatically combatting Tarr spawns in areas that produce them; specifically where slimes frequently cross-contaminate.

Head placement is reset to its default position when exiting the game.


  • Tarr have the added benefit of being able to clear large amounts of slimes from an area in a relatively small timespan, and Hydro Turrets preventing a Tarr outbreak while out on the range can prevent unwanted largos from being removed from the world.



  • 1.2.0 - Rush Mode: Make use of Slime Science gadgets that are already in your inventory such as: warp depots, teleporters, and hydro turrets.
  • 0.4.0 - Implemented.


  • Although The Wilds is one of the most hostile environments in the game due to the abundant presence of Feral Sabers - and therefore ideal for the Hydro Turret due to the frequency of Tarr spawns - The Wilds has no gadget spots so no gadgets can be placed.
