New DLC is coming to Slime Rancher!
With the retail release just around the corner, we're adding console-exclusive Chroma Packs and introducing new Playsets!
These new Playsets will let you dress up your slimes as heroic adventurers and watch them fight off a hoard of toy bop goblins (PS4) or as sea-faring pirates hunting for treasure (Xbox One). We're also adding special, platform-exclusive Chroma Packs which you can use to give your ranch house, vacpack, and ranch tech a shiny, new paint job!
Here's a preview of the new DLC that will be available to download, for free, later this month.
Xbox One - Watch the trailer here!
Piraty Playset
Emerald Chroma Pack
PlayStation 4 - Watch the trailer here!
Heroic Playset
Sapphire Chroma Pack
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