Slime Rancher Wiki

May 11, 2016

Official Announcement Slime Rancher v0.3.1 is now available!


  • Improved gamepad handling. Please note that this required resetting all custom key/button bindings but should allow more types of gamepads to work with the game as well as eliminate issues with continual input (e.g. continual player spinning).
  • Added gamepad look sensitivity options under Options|Gamepad
  • The sandy area of the dry reef beyond the feral canyon is now open and has been reworked. It includes a happy little beach area where slimes like to relax. You can also access this area from the overgrowth ranch expansion.
  • The ancient slime gates and their keys scattered across the range have received an art pass. A new one can be found leading to the new beach area in the reef.
  • Fruits and veggies and fruit trees have received a lovely makeover and are now more visually distinct. The cuberry tree is now cube-shaped because science.
  • A fancy, new loading screen has been added when loading a save game. It contains secret knowledge.
  • Improved UI scaling at larger resolutions.
  • Improved some UI selection highlights.
  • Feral slimes now sport a grumpier look and have flashy, new effects for when they do their butt(?) stomp.
  • A link to the official forums and support is now available on the main menu. Join the forums and get chatty!
  • Improved chicken spawning logic in the overgrowth ranch expansion. A small number of chickens should now spawn even if you have coops filled with chickens in the overgrowth.
  • The moss blanket now has a dreamy night-time tune.
  • Added the ranch house radar indicator (toggle on with ‘R’ by default) in case you get lost.


  • Fixed a bug where some slimes’ audio loops would continue to use resources while not audible, resulting in decreased performance for some players.
  • Fixed a bug where the splat particles when a slime hit a surface could appear much darker than intended on some platforms.
  • Fixed a bug where previously feral slimes would continue to chase players. We were convinced it was because they just wanted a hug, but it was just a bug.