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"Nature is a treasure hoarder."
Extractors are a special class of Slime Science gadgets that are essential for building all other types of gadgets. Extractors include drills, pumps and apiaries.

Once placed on a build site, the extractor will begin working, collecting resources from the environment over time. Once it is full of resources, an extractor can be emptied. The best extractors can repeat this cycle multiple times before they finally break down.

Each extractor can find exclusive resources if used in the correct zone:
Pumps can find a special resource in the Dry Reef.
Drills can find a special resource in the Indigo Quarry.
Apiaries can find a special resource in the Moss Blanket.



Extractors are required to obtain resources needed to make other Slime Science gadgets. You can't move them, but you can destroy them if you need to.

Each extractor can last for a preset amount of cycles, depending on the tier it belongs to. Cycles behave like this: the extractor starts working, and after it's done it's ready to empty resources, signified by it "dancing". After it empties its resources, it either continues on to the next cycle, or explodes, automatically removing itself.

There is currently no way to know how many cycles an extractor has left unless you memorized it.

All extractors have a placement limit of 6 for the same type at a time, meaning you can only have 6 Drills, 6 Pumps and 6 Apiaries at a time. Remember, the tier of the extractor doesn't matter, so you can have 3 Novice Drills and 3 Advanced Drills at a time.

There are currently four tiers of extractors fully implemented in the game. 


Tier 1 "Novice"

NoviceDrill SP

Name: Novice Drill
Extract: Jelly Stone Slime Fossil (IndigoniumEchoes SPGlass Shard)Strange Diamond
How to obtain: Obtained by default.
Price: 500Newbucks
Description: Allows you to drill for buried resources. Lasts 1 cycle.


  • Pink Plort x10
  • Rock Plort x6
  • Rad Plort x3
NovicePump SP

Name: Novice Pump
Extract: Primordy Oil Spiral Steam (Deep BrineEchoes SPSilky Sand)Lava Dust
How to obtain: Buying it in the Builder's Shop.
Price: 500Newbucks
Description: Allows you to siphon underground resources. Lasts 1 cycle.


  • Pink Plort x10
  • Tabby Plort x6
  • Boom Plort x3
NoviceApiary SP

Name: Novice Apiary
Extract: Buzz Wax Hexacomb (Wild HoneyEchoes SPPepper Jam)Royal Jelly
How to obtain: Buying it in the Builder's Shop.
Price: 500Newbucks
Description: Allows you to collect resources from wild bees. Lasts 1 cycle.


  • Pink Plort x10
  • Phosphor Plort x6
  • Honey Plort x3

Tier 2 "Advanced"

AdvancedDrill SP

Name: Advanced Drill
Extract: Jelly Stone Slime Fossil (IndigoniumEchoes SPGlass Shard)Strange Diamond
How to obtain: Buying it in the Builder's Shop.
Price: 1500Newbucks
Description: A drill that unearths more resources, with a higher chance for rare resources. Lasts 3 cycles.


  • Pink Plort x20
  • Rock Plort x12
  • Rad Plort x6
AdvancedPump SP

Name: Advanced Pump
Extract: Primordy Oil Spiral Steam (Deep BrineEchoes SPSilky Sand)Lava Dust
How to obtain: Buying it in the Builder's Shop.
Price: 1500Newbucks
Description: A pump that siphons more resources, with a higher chance for rare resources. Lasts 3 cycles.


  • Pink Plort x20
  • Tabby Plort x12
  • Boom Plort x6
AdvancedApiary SP

Name: Advanced Apiary
Extract: Buzz Wax Hexacomb (Wild HoneyEchoes SPPepper Jam)Royal Jelly
How to obtain: Buying it in the Builder's Shop.
Price: 1500Newbucks
Description: A apiary that collects more resources, with a higher chance for rare resources. Lasts 3 cycles.


  • Pink Plort x20
  • Phosphor Plort x12
  • Honey Plort x6

Tier 3 "Master"

MasterDrill SP

Name: Master Drill
Extract: Jelly Stone Slime Fossil (IndigoniumEchoes SPGlass Shard)Strange Diamond
How to obtain: Found in a Treasure Pod in The Glass Desert.
Price: 2500Newbucks
Description: A drill that unearths the most resources, with a very high chance for rare resources. Lasts 9 cycles.


MasterPump SP

Name: Master Pump
Extract: Primordy Oil Spiral Steam (Deep BrineEchoes SPSilky Sand)Lava Dust
How to obtain: Found in a Treasure Pod in The Glass Desert.
Price: 2500Newbucks
Description: A pump that siphons the most resources, with a very high chance for rare resources. Lasts 9 cycles.


MasterApiary SP

Name: Master Apiary
Extract: Buzz Wax Hexacomb (Wild HoneyEchoes SPPepper Jam)Royal Jelly
How to obtain: Found in a Treasure Pod in The Glass Desert.
Price: 2500Newbucks
Description: A apiary that collects the most resources, with a very high chance for rare resources. Lasts 9 cycles.


Tier 4 "Omega"

OmegaDrill SP

Name: Titan Drill
Extract: Jelly Stone Slime Fossil (IndigoniumEchoes SPGlass Shard)Strange Diamond
How to obtain: Reaching 7Zee rank 23 (Wander Wolf I)
Price: 3500Newbucks
Description: A secret drill manufactured by 7Zee that offers the highest chance for rare resources. Lasts 12 cycles.


OmegaPump SP

Name: Abyssal Pump
Extract: Primordy Oil Spiral Steam (Deep BrineEchoes SPSilky Sand)Lava Dust
How to obtain: Reaching 7Zee rank 24 (Wander Wolf II).
Price: 3500Newbucks
Description: A secret pump manufactured by 7Zee that offers the highest chance for rare resources. Lasts 12 cycles.


OmegaApiary SP

Name: Royal Apiary
Extract: Buzz Wax Hexacomb (Wild HoneyEchoes SPPepper Jam)Royal Jelly
How to obtain: Reaching 7Zee rank 25 (Wander Wolf III)
Price: 3500Newbucks
Description: A secret apiary manufactured by 7Zee that offers the highest chance for rare resources. Lasts 12 cycles.



  • When trying to aim for rare resources, don't place your extractors where you get an additional common resource (for example Indigonium), since that would make the resource pool bigger and lower your chances to obtain rare resources.
  • It is reccomended to place your drills relatively close to teleporters that lead to the ranch or near the ranch as it allows quick and easy access. If no teleporters are nearby, you can always craft your own.





  • 1.0.1 - Extractor cycle time was reduced from 22 hours (or 22 real-time minutes) to 12.
  • 0.6.0 - Tier 3 and 4 extractors are available, and each type can now extract a new resource in the Glass Desert.
  • 0.5.0 - They can now also extract Echoes in the Ancient Ruins.
  • 0.4.0 - Introduction of them and Slime Science into the game. Tier 3 and 4 extractors have been added, but they are unobtainable yet.