Slime Rancher Wiki
Slime Rancher Wiki
The ancient world stirs beneath your feet with every step.
— the Slimepedia

The Ember Valley is a new area in Slime Rancher 2. It's most notable feature is the volcanic region, with pools of lava and Fire Slimes. The valley also has a large waterfall area, with caves full of Batty and Crystal Slimes.

This area currently contains five Gordos: a Rock Gordo, a Tabby Gordo, a Boom Gordo, a Crystal Gordo and a Batty Gordo.

To reach this zone, feed the Pink Gordo in The Rainbow Fields. Once popped, a geyser is revealed. Use the water to shoot up onto the platform above, and activate the switch to reveal the portal to Ember Valley.

Slimepedia Entry[]

Ember Valley is always rumbling: blasting great geysers of water along its coasts and erupting lava into its smoldering ravines. It is a primal place, with canyons carved from swirling winds, revealing enormous fossils of unknown creatures.

The unique combination of strong geothermal activity and volcanic soil makes for a land abundant in primordy oil and lava dust, and makes for a natural home to heat-loving boom, fire and crystal slimes.

Strangely, much of Ember Valley's primordial nature feels like a recent occurrence, at least relatively speaking. Its volcanic activity does not feel like the product of eons of change, but from some kind of unknown catalyst.

It would be wise to tread carefully in this place, further change could happen swiftly and it might just occur right below your feet...


A list of known Slimes and Resources that are available in the Ember Valley.

Type Resources
Slimes Pink SlimeSlimeCottonSR2Rock SlimePhosphor Slime (Night)Tabby SlimeSlimeAnglerSR2Crystal SlimeBoom SlimeFire SlimePuddle SlimeSlimeRingtailSR2SlimeBattySR2
Special Slimes Tangle SlimeDervish SlimeSlimeYolkySR2Gold SlimeLucky Slime
Fruits PogofruitCuberryPrickle PearPomegranite SP
Veggies CarrotOdd OnionHeart BeetWater Lettuce SP
Meat Hen HenRoostroChickadooStony HenStony ChickadooSea Hen SPSea Chickadoo SR2 SPBriar HenBriar Chickadoo
Slime Science Resources RadiantOreSR2StrangeDiamondSR2SilkySandSR2PrimordyOilSR2LavaDustSR2BuzzWaxSR2
Gordos BattyGordoSR2BoomGordoSR2CrystalGordoSR2RockGordoSR2iTabbyGordoSR2


Slime Rancher 2 Interactive Maps:
