Slime Rancher Wiki
Slime Rancher Wiki
So little and soft you'd think they're filled with marshmallow.
the Slimepedia

Chickadoos often spawn from nests with Hen Hens and to a lesser extent, Roostros. They, along with Hen Hens, Carrots and Pogofruits, are the most common resources available to Beatrix and are one of the first types of Chickadoos - and by extension Hens - encountered.

Chickadoos can be produced domestically in a coop by a Hen Hen if it is in the presence of a Roostro, and will itself grow up into a Hen Hen or - more rarely - a Roostro. Until it grows up, Slimes will not eat it.

Slimepedia Entry

Chickadoos of all varieties will never be eaten by slimes. Some believe this is because slimes are too kind-hearted to do such a thing. Others believe it's because chickadoos don't yet have enough meat on their bones.

Chickadoos are baby chickens that will eventually grow into a hen hen or more rarely, a roostro.

On the Ranch:
Keep chickadoos in a safe place and they'll eventually grow into a Hen Hen or Roostro.



Note that while these locations are precise, they may be on different elevations.
Because they are often found together, this map also applies to Hen Hens and Roostros.
Map Food Meat HenHenChickadoo



  • 1.0.1 - Chickadoos of any type can now be used on Gold Slimes to produce Gold Plorts.
  • Before 0.2.0 - Implemented.


The chickadoo is based on a chick, the baby stage of an adult chicken. The slimepedia tagline may be a reference to Peeps; a marshmallow candy shaped like a chick.
